Tank Details
- January 2016
- 4x2x1.5 Center Weir.
- 32mm drains 20mm return.
- Mixed Reef
- Timber stand with MDF cladding.
Other Details
- How Long have you been in the hobby?
- Been in the hobby for about 15 years in total with a few breaks in the middle.
- Do you have a sump and/or refugium? If so, what size?
- 42x15x18 3 Section (overflow + skimmer, Macro, Return.) 40L RO storage section divided off at one end.
- Filtration eg. amount of live rock, sand bed or bare bottom, mechanical filtration etc?
- Substrate: Calgrit
- Rock: 20Kg Live Rock, 18kg Caribsea Life Rock.
- Filter Sock
- Skimmer Details?
- Marine Sources RDC900.
- Water flow/movement (powerheads etc)?
- Paired Jebao RW8’s
- Lighting, type and times
- Illumagic Blaze 4 ft on 12hr cycle. Ramping up from 10am through to full brightness for 6 hrs then back down.
- Other equipment such as auto topoff, Ca reactor etc
- DIY ATO and Carbon Reactor.
- Water parameters
- Cal: 450
- Alk: 8.5
- Mag: 1440
- Nitrate: ~5-10
- Phos: 0.03
- Salinity: 1.026
- Additives and conditioners (kalk, phophate removers etc.)
- Randy Recipe for Alkalinity and Calcium Supplement. Coral Essential Trace Elements (A+B+C). Coral Elements Amino and Coral Grow. Lanthium Phosphate remover.
- Fish stock.
- Blue Tang
Foxface Rabitfish
Pair Black Clownfish
Scooter Dragonette
Blue Spot Blenny
Sailfin Tang
Barrier Reef Chromis
Copperband Butterflyfish
Coral Beauty Angel
Melanarus Wrasse
- Blue Tang
- Coral stock.
- Large Green BTA
Green and Blue Morphs
Various Zoa frags and colonies
Multiple Leather and Softies
Several Hammers
SPS Frags
Monti Frags
- Large Green BTA
- Other Inverts.
- Peppermint Shrimp
Turbo Snails
Nassarius Snails
Brittle Stars
Short Spined Urchin
Strombus Snails
Trochus Snails
Pistol Shrimp
Small black Cucumbers
- Peppermint Shrimp
- Maintenance such as water changes, cleaning etc?
- Weekly/Fortnightly 15-25% water changes.