MASQ Library and Equipment Information

We all know how expensive this hobby is and this also includes valuable reading material. Quite often there are books that have a valuable source of information and can be referred to over and over again, while others in the sort term are extremely useful but not used as often. Either way these books are an essential part of progressing further into this exciting hobby.

As many of these books are quite expensive, it can be difficult for the individual to justify the investment in a book. This is particularly the case if you are unsure of its relevance to your own needs or interests. 

Any suggestions as to what book titles or resources you would like to see included in the MASQ library are more than welcome. Please send suggestions to the MASQ librarian.

MASQ Library Rules 

It is intended that the library books will be made available at each monthly MASQ meeting. If the librarian is not able to attend the meeting, they will endeavour to make alternative arrangements for the books to be made available. 

Books are available for loan free of charge to financial members of MASQ. Books are not available to members outside of MASQ.

Borrowers must supply current address, telephone and email contact details to the MASQ librarian before they can receive a book, CD, DVD etc..

Items borrowed shall be posted via registered post or personally delivered to the next borrower. Library books will also be available at regular MASQ meetings. If no other member has the item reserved then the item shall be returned to the librarian either in person or via registered Australia Post. It is the responsibility of the librarian to determine who gets the item next and notify the current borrower of an address to return the item to. A reader may not borrow books in anyone’s name but his/her own. The return of the book/s to the librarian or the next borrower in line by the agreed loan expiry date will be at the expense of the borrowing member.

On the MASQ Library page, along with a description of each book, will show who currently has the book out on loan, when the expiry date of that loan will end and people that have that book reserved.

Books must not be written in, underline or marked in any way. Library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower may be held responsible for the damage. Members may be liable for the full cost replacement of any library resources caused by loss, damage etc. Failure to adhere to this may result in the lost privilege of hiring books in future. Inside each book will be a Damage Report list. This must be filled in by the borrower if damage does occur while out on loan.

Members are required to return the library books on or before the due date.. 

Books may be renewed (up to a maximum of two months), if that particular book is not reserved by any other member. 

The borrower agrees to contact the librarian via a forum, Private Message or email to acknowledge receipt of an item from previous borrower. (For the purpose of working out the due date) 

Failure to return an item may require the borrower to cover the cost of replacement and/or that member may lose the privilege of borrowing any further items at any time from the library. 

MASQ Equipment.

Equipment available for loan/hire is available to members first and then non members.  Equipment is to be collected from the MASQ librarian unless otherwise negotiated.  The appropriate deposit is to be paid at the time of collection.

Equipment to be returned by due date.

Any damage to equipment will be recovered from security deposit.

Failure to return an item may require the borrower to cover the cost of replacement and/or that member may lose the privilege of borrowing any further items at any time from the library. 

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